Digital assets

Many of us have digital assets but often we do not consider what happens to these assets when we die or if we become unable to manage those assets ourselves. Digital assets can take many forms but the most common type are likely to be sentimental digital possessions such as photo libraries, video and social media accounts.

What happens to these possessions when we die? What can we do to prevent our loved ones from losing access to cherished memories? We recommend you consider taking the following steps;

1. Think about what sentimental digital assets you have – what do you want to ‘pass on’ on your death or incapacity? What do you not want to pass on? Who should have access?
2. Consider what digital assets your loved ones have – what will happen to those accounts belonging to a spouse or partner or your parents on their deaths? Will you have access to their photo libraries etc?
3. Talk to your loved ones – discuss and agree what arrangements should be in place to manage digital assets.
4. Take action – you may wish to transfer or share photos/videos, you could update your ‘legacy’ settings with Google, Facebook, Apple etc, you may wish to update your will to make your wishes known.
5. Keep everything under review – as time passes, technology moves on, relationships change and people grow up/old. Arrangements for digital assets should always be kept under regular review and actions taken to protect your loved ones from losing access to precious memories.

For more information about the practical steps you can take to protect your digital estate please go to